Automated invoice processing: 15 tips & tricks to get more out of TriFact365

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We often get the question from our customers how they can make optimal use of TriFact365. Therefore, we have listed a number of tips and tricks. Both experienced customers and novice TriFact365 users can use these tips for automatic invoice processing to do their accounting faster and more efficiently.

UPDATE: In addition to the existing 10 tips for automatic invoice processing, we have added 5 (!) additional tips for you.

TIP 1: Start the instruction tour in the portal

De eerste en belangrijkste tip! Op verschillende plekken in de portal is een instructietour beschikbaar waarin precies wordt uitgelegd hoe het scherm The first and most important tip! On several places in the portal an instruction tour is available which explains exactly how the screen works. When you enter this screen for the first time, the tour will start automatically. You can also go through the tour again at a later time.

Read more about the instruction tour here.

TIP 2: Automatically forward invoices

Nowadays more and more invoices are sent digitally by e-mail. You can easily forward these invoices automatically to TriFact365. Each administration is assigned its own email address. If you forward your invoices to this email address, they will automatically arrive in your Work Order. Via the Mailbox in TriFact365.

Read more about the delivery of invoices by email here.

TIP 3: View delivered emails in the Mailbox

All delivered emails end up in your TriFact365 Mailbox. Here you can verify if the email has arrived. You can view details of the email, see which attachments have been processed and why certain attachments have not been processed.

Read more about consulting all delivered emails here.

TIP 4: Split, merge and change invoice type

Did you deliver invoices but would like to split, merge or change the type of certain documents? No problem! In the work stock you can easily check the relevant invoices and take action. Split documents that consist of multiple invoices, merge certain documents into one document or change the type of the invoice (purchase/sales).

Read more about splitting invoices here.
Read more about merging documents here.
Read more about changing the type of invoice here.

TIP 5: Fill in the master data of creditors

Also in the control screen, you can find a number of tricks that will help you make invoice processing even faster and easier. For example, you can influence the recognition of invoices by filling in the master data of debtors and creditors as much as possible. Fill in the IBAN number, Chamber of Commerce number and VAT number so that our software has more unique data available to match the invoice to the correct relation. Then determine a standard VAT code, payment condition, creditor account and general ledger account to get the most complete booking proposal possible.

TIP 6: Set up function segregation for users

Using the different user rights you can determine which actions which users are allowed to perform in TriFact365. Then determine for which administrations the user has access in the portal. See our support page for the user rights that TriFact365 distinguishes and when you should grant which user right to a user.

Read more about user roles and user rights here.

TIP 7: Set the language of the portal

The TriFact365 portal is not only available in English, but also in Dutch, German, French and Spanish. As a user you decide in which language you want to work with TriFact365.

Read more about the language settings here.

TIP 8: Book invoices blocked for payment

Are payments of invoices arranged in the accounting package? For AccountView, AFAS, Exact Online, Twinfield and Unit4 Multivers you can book invoices blocked for payment. The entry is already booked when the procuration workflow is invoked. Once each user has given his approval, the booking will be released for payment and can be included in the payments.

Read more about blocking for payment here.

TIP 9: Administrations exempt from VAT

In TriFact365 a special function is available for administrations that are exempt from VAT. The booking proposals are then automatically presented including VAT. Prevent manual actions and turn this setting on!

Read more about VAT exemption here

TIP 10: Set a standard description for invoices

At the administration level you can indicate what you want the standard invoice description to be. You can do this by setting up so-called labels. These labels relate to a field in the control screen and are shown in the description field between square brackets. When you subsequently create the booking, the labels will be converted to the value that was entered in the corresponding fields.

Read more about setting up a default description here.

TIP 11: Calculate amounts with the calculation function

In the control screen, you can also easily calculate amounts using the calculation function. In the ‘Amount’ and ‘VAT’ fields, a calculation function is built in that allows you to easily add, subtract, multiply and divide amounts. You can enter the calculation in these fields, press enter and the result will appear.

Read more about the calculation function in the control screen here.

TIP 12: Use shortcut keys when entering invoices

In the control panel of TriFact365 there are a number of shortcuts available. With these keys you can process the invoices in your administration even faster.

Read here which shortcuts are available.

TIP 13: Personalize the control panel

Using the display options in the control screen you can easily adjust the structure of the control screen. Depending on the accounting package you work with, you can turn dimensions on or off. Turn dimensions off? Then the description field will automatically be enlarged. You can also place the width of the booking lines over the entire screen and display the PDF viewer on the left side of the screen. This way you can easily create your own control screen.

Read more about personalizing the control screen here.

TIP 14: Use our mobile app

Are you already using our mobile app? You can easily take photos of receipts via your smartphone (iOS, Android) and upload them into TriFact365. It is also possible to use the mobile app to authorize and procure invoices and receipts. This way you can always update your bookkeeping on-the-go.

Read more about our mobile app here.

TIP 15: Set up email reminders and push notifications

Are you using authorization and/or procuration? Then don’t forget to set up email reminders! This allows you to easily receive emails after a certain number of hours with a reminder that there are still invoices for you as a user ready to authorize/procure. This way you are always up to date with your workload without having to log in online every time.

Receive push notifications in the TriFact365 app

Read more about email reminders here.

Looking for more helpful suggestions after these 15 Tips Invoice Processing?

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