What is a Credit note? All about This Correction Document

Een vrouw neemt lachend een pakket aan waarmee een retour wordt aangeduid die in verband staat met een creditfactuur.

A credit note is a document that corrects a previous invoice. You usually receive it when you have returned a product or a service was not completely satisfactory. This type of invoice reduces the amount you still have to pay or increases your credit on the supplier’s account. It is like a negative invoice that neutralises the original invoice.


The origin of the credit note goes back to the time when companies started using formal accounting systems. In the early trading days, when companies mainly used written agreements, there were no standardised ways to record errors or adjustments to invoices. As accounting systems evolved, it became necessary to find a structured way to make corrections. Thus, the credit invoice emerged as a solution to correct administrative errors and maintain customer relationships.

Laws and regulations

Credit note s are subject to specific laws and regulations in different countries. In the Netherlands, for example, a credit invoice must meet the requirements of the tax authorities. These invoices must clearly indicate that it is a credit invoice, state the original invoice number and name the reason for the adjustment. It is important to follow the rules to avoid any problems with tax returns. Incorrect or unclear credit invoices can lead to delays in your records or even penalties.


Besides credit notes, there are other ways to correct errors on invoices or adjust payments. A common alternative is the debit note. This document increases the amount due instead of decreasing it, which can be useful in case of extra charges. Another option is to use an offset agreement, where you offset amounts against each other. These alternatives can reduce the administrative burden and improve oversight, depending on the specific situation.

Further investigations

To learn more about credit notes, start with online resources such as tax websites and accounting manuals. Many organisations offer free white papers and guides on how to use credit notes correctly. It is also advisable to talk to your bookkeeper or accountant. They can give you specific advice that suits your situation and ensure you meet all legal requirements. Attending webinars and training courses can also be useful to further expand your knowledge.

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